Description of this production

A sea that’s beautiful and terrifying, that truly reflects the storms in the human soul and rules the lives of those who are connected with it. People like the fisherman Peter Grimes, who tries in vain to change

his life but is constantly rejected by the other inhabitants of his % shing village due to his character.

The situation is exacerbated by the death of his apprentice, which raises a number of questions. Was it really an accident or was Grimes directly involved in it? Most people in Borough don’t believe Grimes

is innocent, and so the unfortunate death of another apprentice thus inevitably leads to tragedy. The English poet George Crabbe and the composer Benjamin Britten loved the sea. Both of them grew up on the coast of Suffolk, and the life stories of people from a fishing settlement inspired Crabbe to create the collection of poems from which Britten drew the story for his first opera, Peter Grimes. He captured not only the spirit of the town and its diverse community, but also and mainly his beloved sea, to which the main character of Peter Grimes is strongly tied. He depicted it through four beautiful orchestral interludes that capture the rising of the sun, or the reflection of moonlight on the water surface.

Detailed features of this opera :

  • Production features :

Size : Large stage

Traveling Group: soloists 11, orchestra 65 + stage band 5, choir 60, extras 10, children 6

  • Criteria :

English opera, English language, 20th century

Critiques à propos de cet opéra :

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Description of this production

A sea that’s beautiful and terrifying, that truly reflects the storms in the human soul and rules the lives of those who are connected with it. People like the fisherman Peter Grimes, who tries in vain to change

his life but is constantly rejected by the other inhabitants of his % shing village due to his character.

The situation is exacerbated by the death of his apprentice, which raises a number of questions. Was it really an accident or was Grimes directly involved in it? Most people in Borough don’t believe Grimes

is innocent, and so the unfortunate death of another apprentice thus inevitably leads to tragedy. The English poet George Crabbe and the composer Benjamin Britten loved the sea. Both of them grew up on the coast of Suffolk, and the life stories of people from a fishing settlement inspired Crabbe to create the collection of poems from which Britten drew the story for his first opera, Peter Grimes. He captured not only the spirit of the town and its diverse community, but also and mainly his beloved sea, to which the main character of Peter Grimes is strongly tied. He depicted it through four beautiful orchestral interludes that capture the rising of the sun, or the reflection of moonlight on the water surface.

Detailed features of this opera :

  • Production features :

Size : Large stage

Traveling Group: soloists 11, orchestra 65 + stage band 5, choir 60, extras 10, children 6

  • Criteria :

English opera, English language, 20th century

Critiques à propos de cet opéra :

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